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基本思想:对于for的任务分担 schedule(static|dynamic|guided|runtime[size])


#pragma omp parallel{#pragma omp forfor(int i=0;i


using namespace std;using namespace chrono;void sequentialProgram(int num){ for(int i=0;i
(end_time-start_time).count()<<" seconds"<
(end_time-start_time).count()<<" seconds"<


F:\OpenMP\cmake-build-debug\OpenMP.exehello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0hello world the current thread id: 0sequentialProgram elapse time: 0.0776085 secondsA hello world the current thread id: 1A hello world the current thread id: 0A hello world the current thread id: 3A hello world the current thread id: 5A hello world the current thread id: 7A hello world the current thread id: 10A hello world the current thread id: 9A hello world the current thread id: 8A hello world the current thread id: 2A hello world the current thread id: 4A hello world the current thread id: 6A hello world the current thread id: 11B hello world the current thread id: 1B hello world the current thread id: 0B hello world the current thread id: 7B hello world the current thread id: 9B hello world the current thread id: 2B hello world the current thread id: 6B hello world the current thread id: 4B hello world the current thread id: 10B hello world the current thread id: 3B hello world the current thread id: 8B hello world the current thread id: 5B hello world the current thread id: 11parallelProgram elapse time: 0.0527985 secondsProcess finished with exit code 0


#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static|dynamic}guided|runtime[size]) for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {       .......    }


#pragma omp parallel for等价#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)等价#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,num/omp_get_num_procs()) //  num=omp_get_num_procs()*2;

其中static 设置为多少线程来处理迭代计算任务

其中size 为可选项,当不设置size参数时,默认for循环的线程以num/omp_get_num_procs()来分配


using namespace std;using namespace chrono;void sequentialProgram(int num){ for(int i=0;i
(end_time-start_time).count()<<" seconds"<
(end_time-start_time).count()<<" seconds"<


F:\OpenMP\cmake-build-debug\OpenMP.exei=0 the current thread id: 0i=1 the current thread id: 0i=2 the current thread id: 0i=3 the current thread id: 0i=4 the current thread id: 0i=5 the current thread id: 0i=6 the current thread id: 0i=7 the current thread id: 0i=8 the current thread id: 0i=9 the current thread id: 0i=10 the current thread id: 0i=11 the current thread id: 0i=12 the current thread id: 0i=13 the current thread id: 0i=14 the current thread id: 0i=15 the current thread id: 0i=16 the current thread id: 0i=17 the current thread id: 0i=18 the current thread id: 0i=19 the current thread id: 0i=20 the current thread id: 0i=21 the current thread id: 0i=22 the current thread id: 0i=23 the current thread id: 0sequentialProgram elapse time: 0.0422739 secondsi=0 the current thread id: 0i=1 the current thread id: 0i=4 the current thread id: 2i=5 the current thread id: 2i=14 the current thread id: 7i=15 the current thread id: 7i=18 the current thread id: 9i=19 the current thread id: 9i=16 the current thread id: 8i=17 the current thread id: 8i=12 the current thread id: 6i=13 the current thread id: 6i=2 the current thread id: 1i=3 the current thread id: 1i=10 the current thread id: 5i=11 the current thread id: 5i=6 the current thread id: 3i=7 the current thread id: 3i=8 the current thread id: 4i=9 the current thread id: 4i=22 the current thread id: 11i=23 the current thread id: 11i=20 the current thread id: 10i=21 the current thread id: 10parallelProgram elapse time: 0.0412098 secondsProcess finished with exit code 0


#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)     for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {      ......    }}


using namespace std;using namespace chrono;void sequentialProgram(int num){ for(int i=0;i
(end_time-start_time).count()<<" seconds"<
(end_time-start_time).count()<<" seconds"<


F:\OpenMP\cmake-build-debug\OpenMP.exei=0 the current thread id: 0i=1 the current thread id: 0i=2 the current thread id: 0i=3 the current thread id: 0i=4 the current thread id: 0i=5 the current thread id: 0i=6 the current thread id: 0i=7 the current thread id: 0i=8 the current thread id: 0i=9 the current thread id: 0i=10 the current thread id: 0i=11 the current thread id: 0i=12 the current thread id: 0i=13 the current thread id: 0i=14 the current thread id: 0i=15 the current thread id: 0i=16 the current thread id: 0i=17 the current thread id: 0i=18 the current thread id: 0i=19 the current thread id: 0i=20 the current thread id: 0i=21 the current thread id: 0i=22 the current thread id: 0i=23 the current thread id: 0sequentialProgram elapse time: 0.041236 secondsi=0 the current thread id: 2i=6 the current thread id: 9i=13 the current thread id: 9i=14 the current thread id: 9i=15 the current thread id: 9i=16 the current thread id: 9i=17 the current thread id: 9i=18 the current thread id: 9i=19 the current thread id: 9i=20 the current thread id: 9i=21 the current thread id: 9i=22 the current thread id: 9i=23 the current thread id: 9i=5 the current thread id: 11i=3 the current thread id: 1i=4 the current thread id: 8i=7 the current thread id: 4i=1 the current thread id: 10i=2 the current thread id: 3i=8 the current thread id: 0i=9 the current thread id: 6i=10 the current thread id: 7i=11 the current thread id: 5i=12 the current thread id: 2parallelProgram elapse time: 0.0399313 secondsProcess finished with exit code 0

(4)guided 采用启发式调度算法,开始分配较大的块,然后逐渐变小,最后分配给每个线程的任务为size数量,如果没设置size,将在最后分配给每个任务量为1

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided)     for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {      .....    }}


using namespace std;using namespace chrono;void sequentialProgram(int num){ for(int i=0;i
(end_time-start_time).count()<<" seconds"<
(end_time-start_time).count()<<" seconds"<

测试结果,第一次先为每个线程分配两个任务,然后最后变成每个线程只能承担一个任务 执行

F:\OpenMP\cmake-build-debug\OpenMP.exei=0 the current thread id: 0i=1 the current thread id: 0i=2 the current thread id: 0i=3 the current thread id: 0i=4 the current thread id: 0i=5 the current thread id: 0i=6 the current thread id: 0i=7 the current thread id: 0i=8 the current thread id: 0i=9 the current thread id: 0i=10 the current thread id: 0i=11 the current thread id: 0i=12 the current thread id: 0i=13 the current thread id: 0i=14 the current thread id: 0i=15 the current thread id: 0i=16 the current thread id: 0i=17 the current thread id: 0i=18 the current thread id: 0sequentialProgram elapse time: 0.033042 secondsi=0 the current thread id: 0i=1 the current thread id: 0i=16 the current thread id: 0i=17 the current thread id: 0i=18 the current thread id: 0i=6 the current thread id: 5i=7 the current thread id: 5i=2 the current thread id: 3i=3 the current thread id: 3i=13 the current thread id: 6i=14 the current thread id: 2i=15 the current thread id: 11i=10 the current thread id: 8i=12 the current thread id: 9i=8 the current thread id: 7i=9 the current thread id: 1i=11 the current thread id: 10i=4 the current thread id: 4i=5 the current thread id: 4parallelProgram elapse time: 0.0334159 secondsProcess finished with exit code 0

(5)runtime 设置之后,将获取系统的任务属性来来调用上述三种中的一种方法,我测试一下,好像每次都是以dynamic 的方式调用~~

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime)    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {       ......    }}


using namespace std;using namespace chrono;void sequentialProgram(int num){ for(int i=0;i
(end_time-start_time).count()<<" seconds"<
(end_time-start_time).count()<<" seconds"<


F:\OpenMP\cmake-build-debug\OpenMP.exei=0 the current thread id: 0i=1 the current thread id: 0i=2 the current thread id: 0i=3 the current thread id: 0i=4 the current thread id: 0i=5 the current thread id: 0i=6 the current thread id: 0i=7 the current thread id: 0i=8 the current thread id: 0i=9 the current thread id: 0i=10 the current thread id: 0i=11 the current thread id: 0i=12 the current thread id: 0i=13 the current thread id: 0i=14 the current thread id: 0i=15 the current thread id: 0i=16 the current thread id: 0i=17 the current thread id: 0i=18 the current thread id: 0i=19 the current thread id: 0i=20 the current thread id: 0i=21 the current thread id: 0i=22 the current thread id: 0i=23 the current thread id: 0sequentialProgram elapse time: 0.0410057 secondsi=0 the current thread id: 1i=8 the current thread id: 9i=13 the current thread id: 9i=14 the current thread id: 9i=15 the current thread id: 9i=16 the current thread id: 9i=17 the current thread id: 9i=18 the current thread id: 9i=19 the current thread id: 9i=20 the current thread id: 9i=21 the current thread id: 9i=22 the current thread id: 9i=23 the current thread id: 9i=6 the current thread id: 2i=5 the current thread id: 8i=7 the current thread id: 11i=3 the current thread id: 10i=4 the current thread id: 3i=2 the current thread id: 4i=1 the current thread id: 7i=9 the current thread id: 0i=10 the current thread id: 6i=11 the current thread id: 5i=12 the current thread id: 1parallelProgram elapse time: 0.042588 secondsProcess finished with exit code 0


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